Friday 14 July 2017

Film Editing, A Journey- From Manual to Digital

When the first movie was shot by Lumiere Brothers, they said that cinema would not have any future after cinematographie. It’s almost 122 years passed, if they were alive, they might be astonished about the existence and advancements of films.
George Melies, D.W Griffith and Edwin S. Porter are considered to be the pioneers of cinema, who first realized the usefulness of editing in making a film.
Cross cut, double exposure, fade in/out- the three transitions were there at the part of linear editing. After development of technology it allowed people to use non-linear editing with different transitions.
Editing is something that allows people to chain up a story by adding or eliminating shots, in order to complete a film. Just like, in cooking, if marketing of veggies is idea of the film, cutting and washing of the film is shooting then editing is the cooking process of making a film.
There can be several mistakes in production process of film-making, it’s an editor’s responsibility to cut off the mistaken part of the film and makes it watchable for viewers.
According to Alfred Hitchcock a famous film-maker, about editing, ‘Drama is life with dull bits cut out’. Without editing the landmark murder scene from the film ‘Psycho’ by Alfred Hitchcock could not become landmark scene. Only editing made it possible.
The theory of “Montage” by Russian film director Sergei Eisenstein totally depends on editing, where it is said that by adding two different shots into one, creates a different meaning to the audience. Whereas, Pudovkin showed us 5 different editing techniques to give better treatment of the scenes.
Present day editing has reached a level, where with the help of computer technology, one can change/remove even can create background by using Chroma screen as this technology is highly available and inexpensive.
Even modern age technology lets editors allow to use 3D in editing. Not only that, in editing can process editing software permit color correction.

Not only editing adds perfection but also creates a particular meaning of the scenes for the audiences. Without editing no film can survive in present day. So, that’s why editing is compared as an important weapon in film-making. 

Written By- Subhojit Ghosh

#CREAZIONE_PRODUCTION,#A_JOURNEY_FROM_MANUAL_TO_DIGITAL, #EDITING_FILM, #ZONE_OF_REAL_VOICE, #EDITING, #FILM_MAKING, #George Melies, #D.W Griffith, #Edwin S. Porter, # Lumiere Brothers, #Alfred Hitchcock, #Psycho, # Sergei Eisenstein, # Pudovkin, #Chroma screen.


Arpon das said...

Excellent article

Unknown said...

Thank you Arpon Das