Friday 21 July 2017


The Tale of a Reflector

This is my earnest urge to perceive that ‘A Reflector’ which reflects reflection; does it ever able to look at its very own reflection ?Many years had faded out, Reflector still stands still & summons everybody to have a glimpse of their own reflection. Well….. Does it never aspire to confront its own reflection?

Sometimes, I presume that it is unable to reflect its own reflection. This inability leads it to reflect our reflections dreadfully horrible with the ploy of Psyche, which often frightens us. Again, I conclude it to myself that those reflections by the Reflector are us, ’The Human Being’. As a very Creep category species, we Human usually retain all the virtues coated with self-glorification while dumping the impure qualities on others. Being a person with flesh and blood, I yearned to be the Reflector, I would obscure my reflection to others & only unveiled everyone’s reflection.

To read the write-up in Bengali, scroll down

(Written by Archi banerjee & Translated by Ayana Chatterjee)

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