Friday 11 August 2017

Unveil your Honesty with Sarahah

So do you have a Sarahah account???
You don’t!!  Oh what have you done!!! You should have an account right away….
Yes friends “Sarahah” the new app that has created a storm in Facebook…… “Sarahah” has topped the list in Apple’s app store for quite some time now and is now made available to all users. Through this app you may write your thoughts about anyone without revealing yourself. Sarahah in Arabic means ‘honesty’ or ‘Candour’.
Psst…  You may even shout obscenities at them and they won’t even know its you…
But of course you know this, don’t you…..
But do you know why Sarahah has become so popular over such a small period of time? The answer is that Sarahah feeds on the narcissistic nature of human being.  
Am I looking good?
What will people say about me? No I think I should change this outfit….

I think he doesn’t like me…..
I am really popular? Or do they just pretend????
Yes, everybody wants to know what others think about them. It is our hearts desire to know who appreciates us and who criticizes us. We all say….. Yes we all say “I don’t care what people say about me”. But in reality we die to know…. We post pictures and check not in hours or minutes but in seconds to see how many likes we have got, what comments we have.
We smile within ourselves if a comment is good and curse the people in our mind when they comment bad…. We compare our likes on the Facebook ….. Yes we go through meaningless competions with people on Facebook.
Oh… She has got so many likes…. Why do I have so few…. I need a picture like that…..
Appreciation satisfies our ego and criticism hurts it. Day after day as the world becomes a smaller place we are becoming self- centered and egoistic. We are slowly forgetting how to appreciate a person’s talent and hard work. Honest criticism has gone out of the window as has the art of helping. We cannot accept criticism, no we absolutely can’t.  We don’t help people out of fear that the person might be benefitted from our help.
Sometimes I think it would have been better if we would all have had the powers of P.K. Then these apps would not have been necessary. But anyway All hail “Sarahah” which has opened the doors for backbiting people who doesn’t have the guts to say it to your face.

(Written by Somrita Das)

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